"Les Rencontres d'Ici et d'Ailleurs"
a Street Theatre Festival·

"Les Rencontres d'Ici et d'Ailleurs" is the annual festival which Oposito proposes to its own town, Noisy-le-Sec . A chance for the population to meet and to be confronted with new ideas. This festival has made Oposito's reputation in Seine-Saint-Denis and is mostly held outdoors.

Oposito Cie Off

In the last six years the festival has been held, it has drawn larger crowds each time. The participating Street Theatre companies are invited to present their own creation but also to take part in a monumental event where all talent and know how combines in one magical and powerful moment. The event, written and staged by Oposito, gives the festival its unique character.

Decor Sonore Tous en Choeur

The festival is also the occasion for new productions created by companies in residence at the Moulin Fondu to be presented for the first time.

Jean Georges Les Piétons

"Le vaisseau de pierre"

with Zap, la Jeune Philharmonie de Seine-St-Denis, Janie Allen, Denis Josselin, Oposito, Acrospor, Ilotopie.

"Le défilé fantastique"

with Compagnie Off, Tambours du Bronx, Les cuivres du conservatoire de Noisy, Oposito, le Bagad de Plougastel, Décor Sonore.

"L'arène foraine"

Collective creation on village fair art with the Burattini family, Turbulence and Cie Off.

"Tous en choeur"

with Lila Fichette, Les Piétons, Image in Air, Les Amis de la Musique, Eclat Immédiat et Durable, Lacombe-Asselin and Décor Sonore.

"Manifeste pour un Moulin"

acte précurseur de Transhumance, with Décor Sonore, les Bagad de Brieg et de Kemperlé, la Jeune Philharmonie de Seine-Saint-Denis, Les Métalovoice, les Alamas Givrés, Annibal et ses Eléphants.

"Merlan Village"

with Kumulus, Antoine et Véro, Le Quartet Buccal, Les Cousins, Le Royal Majestic Orchestra, Georges Trillat, les Grooms and Oposito.

"Transhumance, Moving to Higher Ground"

with Circus Ethiopia, Métalovoice, Le Bagad de Briec, Jean Louis le Vallégant, La Jeune Philharmonie de Seine St Denis, Décor Sonore and Oposito.

1999, 28/29/30 may "Don't Miss it!!!!
The next Rencontres d'Ici et d'Ailleurs Festival"

With the following players : Acousteel Gang, Oxyde de Cuivre, Uranus Bruyant, Le Snob, Jean Claude Asselin, Yannick Jaulin, Doriane Moretus, Fabrice Deperrois, Bobby Camus, Dominique D'Angelo, Métalovoice, Décore Sonore, La Compagnie Off, Jean Philipe de Jussieu.